Oak Brook has several amenities available to residents and their guests. Residents have access to the Oak Brook pool and playground, pavilion, dog park and sport courts. There are also several scenic ponds located throughout the Oak Brook neighborhood along the paved walking paths. The path begins at the entrance of the neighborhood where the signature bridge and shaded waterfall welcomes neighbors and visitors to the Oak Brook community, and continue through the neighborhood to the Green Belt and Olson Meadows Park and playground. Oak Brook is also home to the Karst Preserve, a sanctuary for protected wildlife which resides on the Northwest border of the Oak Brook community. The pathways through the preserve offer a wooded, natural place to walk and reflect. Our newest addition is our fenced in off-leash dog park centrally located by the pool and sport courts. This allows residents to enjoy quality time with their pups and friends in a pet-safe environment!
Oak Brook Pool
The pool is located in the center of the neighborhood on the main street (Morgan Hill Tr) in a gated and fenced area. Residents and their guests can access the pool via a card key. The pool features include a lap lane, a baby pool, lounge chairs, and a covered area to sit in the shade.
Hours: 7 am - 10 pm
Pool cleaning Monday/Wednesday/Friday at 7 am - 10 am.
To request Pool Gate and/or Sport Court Keys email amenityaccess@goodwintx.com or use the
Link from Main Page (managed by Goodwin): https://aobo.sites.townsq.io/4 or call 512-502-7500.
*Linked to management website.
The pool address is 16900 Morgan Hill Trail, Austin, TX 78717
Dog Park Rules
Hours: Sunup to sundown
Dog waste must be picked up by their owners immediately.
Owners are legally responsible for the behavior of their dog(s) at all times.
Owners must be within the dog park and supervising their dog with leash readily available.
All dogs must be up to date on vaccines including rabies.
Children under 13 must be accompanied by an adult and supervised at all times.
Aggressive dogs must be removed immediately.
No alcohol allowed in dog park.
Note: Close both gates immediately upon entrance and exit. Only one gate should be open at a time in order to maintain the safety of the dogs in the park. Please remove dog leashes in the entrance chamber.